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Monday, December 19, 2011

Vacation :)

hey guys !! Guess what??? My semester is over ! I know that i haven't uploaded a video in like forever but I have been so so so busy with school and work ! But now I have a good month off so things are going to start running again ! I have so many ideas for videos, I don't even know where to start ! I'm writting this blog post because I wanted to thank you guys for sticking around while I was mia. It means so much to me! Right now, I'm actually on the set of a music video shoot with my boyfriend. (for those of you that don't know, he is a video producer/photographer). Anyways I'm using my boyfriend's blackberry playbook and I'm still not use to it but it's wayyyy to cool ! Me want one ! So here's a short list of my upcoming videos on my youtube channel :) -Holiday party makeup tutorial -Holiday party hairstyle -Turn your day makeup into a night out look -Drugstore starter makeup kit and lots more.. and if you have any requests let me know ! Here are some of the pictures that I took today :)